Saturday, May 16, 2020

Humor And Its Relationship With Positive Life Outcomes

Humor has been said to play a large role in our everyday lives, including having an impact on ones well-being; mainly influencing their level of self esteem. Humor is often seen as a coping mechanism for dealing with stressful events throughout a person s lifetime (Stieger, Formann, Burger, 2011). For some time there has been the circulating idea that humor is directly related to positive life outcomes, but has been supported with very limited empirical evidence (Vaughan, Zeigler-Hill, Arnau, 2014). This view is often encrypted in the minds of general society because of the constant use of jokes and sayings that acknowledge the use of humor as a way to deal with life s current circumstances; using humor as a means to cope (Leist Mà ¼ller, 2013). The problem with this view is that it does not consider that there are multiple styles of humor that can affect its relationship with positive life outcomes (Vaughan et al., 2014). Contemporary research suggests that sense of humor is a multidimensional personality construct consisting of both [two] adaptive and [two] maladaptive styles (Kirsh, 2005). Based on this prior research there are four distinct styles of humor which are defined as being a person s habitual conduct or use of humor in daily life, that is his or her typical stable pattern of humor behaviours and attitudes (Beermann, 2014). The two adaptive styles are: (1) self-enhancing humor, which is the use of personal humor to make oneself laugh and uplift yourShow MoreRelatedOptimism’s Effect on Psychological and Physical Health909 Words   |  4 PagesPhysical Health. Becca Rubio Abstract For many years, numerous studies have analyzed the effect of Optimism on Psychological and Physical health. Optimism is generally known as being confident that there is a positive outcome to any situation and hopeful for a positive life in the future. 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